
Spread among the wineyards which frame the Custoza hill to the west of Verona, located in an immaculate, picturesque and tranquil setting, Veorna Golf Club offers an elite itinerary within the traditional golfng panorama of Northern Europe. Established in 1963 as a 9-hole course, skillfully mapped out by john Harrisi, the course was doubled in size over the following decade, as a result of the increased interest that the Club was attracting. Between 1998 and 2003, the year that marked the 40th anniversary of its foundation, the Club underwent a complex and well-planned renovation of its main facilities – the reception building and the golinks, which were attentively and skillfully redesigned by Baldivino Dassù and Alvise Rossi Fioravanti. The first 9 holes, surrounded by thick vedetation, present a challenging course of greens well defended by mounds and bunkers, and are followed by a conclusive sequence of of wide and ondulatingfairways, which are nevertheless technically harmonius with the initial part of the course. Right from the start, Verona Golf Clubwas a promoter of an agronomic, eco-compatible system of memagement with a low impact on the environment, and in 2003 the Club earnt itself the prestigious green flag. The acknoledgement was given only to a small number of clubs that took part in the “Committed to Green” project and achieved first national, then European certification.

Loc. Ca’ del Sale, 15 – Sommacampagna (VR)

+39 045 510060